Ver todas las ofertas Commercial agent to sell our honey vinegar and our honeys

Data Publicació: 12/11/2024
Contrato Mercantil: Contrato Mercantil
Producto/Servicio: Vinagre miel i miel
Marca: Miel Somper
Educació: ESO/EGB
Tipo de candidato: All
Zonas de representación: SPAIN, ANDORRA, FRANCE, PORTUGAL
Inscritos: 5

Tired of going out to sell packaged honey and not getting good results?

We have focused on creating new and differentiating products. We have created a line of 5 honey vinegars that open doors for us wherever we go. Along with vinegars, we have a line of therapeutic honeys ideal for dietetics and parapharmacy.

If you are interested in our product, do not hesitate to sign up for the offer and we will contact you to provide more detailed information.